Some stories

Stone Soup
We had been looking at the story of Stone Soup. ‘Shadow’ presents it here using pens as puppets.

I Like
We all like the very simple book called I Like. Even though we are way beyond this level, we wanted to make our own books.

Bathing Animals
We read Paru has a Bath by Fran Hunia. We thought about how to bathe different animals We talked about animal cruelty and how we would never bathe a cat.

Two Stories

We read The Bird That Could Think by Annette Smith. We also watched a video about a crow cracking nuts. We thought about how we would crack one hundred nuts and worked on the language point, ‘If I had ______ I would’. Here are our stories.

We wrote stories about our weekends using the five Ws and and H. The first story was not about the weekend, but was well constructed so included.

The game site being talked about at the end can be found here.


We looked at a book called “Have You Seen Birds?” by Joanne Oppenheim and Barbara Reid.

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We thought about the rhyme, assonance and alliteration they used through their book.
We had a go.

Castle Attack

For homework we had to research how different weapons were used to attack castles.
We talked about the weapons in our group and watched some of them in use on YouTube.
We wrote about our ideas then shared them.

The Drone

The drone came to our school to take our photo. We wrote about it.
We thought about who, what, when, where, why and how. We assessed each other’s work to make sure we had the information in it.