I wish

We chose to read How to Catch a Falling Star.

We thought about the difference between hoping and wishing.
We thought about what our wishes would be.

I wish I wasn’t hungry every day and I could read every day and I could have adventures and be a master of computers.    – Avalon

I wish I could have a lot of dogs and a lot of cats and a lot of birds and a lot of fish. I wish I could have a big house and a pretty car.   – Sophia

I wish I could have a kitten, because kittens are very, very cute, and I like to touch the kittens fur. It is very soft.
And I wish I was allowed to have candy in school, because the candy is very sweet.
And the last thing I wish is that I could have a very big house, and nine billion dollars, so that I could buy everything in the world.
P.S. The WHOLE WORLD!!!             – Alicia

I wished to get adopted because all my first friends got adopted before me. The judge asked me if I wanted a family and I said yes. Then it was my sister’s turn and Mum’s turn and they said yes.              -Minu

I wish I ruled South Korea because South Korea has lots of yummy stuff and very good stuff. If I ruled I could have all of those things and I would be rich.     – Emily

I wish I could go back to dinosaur times and I would kill little dinosaurs and I would build houses and I would die when I was, like, 30 (because a theropod would get me).
– Guanyu

Opposite Me

Guanyu chose the 1972 story of Egrin and the Painted Wizard as our book of the day. Three groups used it.

Egrin paints a picture of himself but the cat manages to spill mean powder and coming alive powder on it. A nasty wizard that was the opposite of Egrin appeared and caused trouble. After reading the book, we thought about what we would be like if we were opposite us.

Opposite me would be nasty and kick people and I would bite people and smack them in the face. I would bully people that are smaller than me and I would paint people blue and I would throw rocks at them. – Guanyu

Opposite me would be very kind to my brother and wouldn’t fight with my brother. Another thing is I wouldn’t listen to my parents.   – Emily

Opposite me would write fast. I would listen to my teacher. I like the ocean. The opposite is I don’t like the ocean.  – Minu


Opposite me would be mad and never listen to the teachers and my sister and my mum.   – Milyn

If you opposite me, I will be very mean, and I will shout very loud to you. And if you need my help, I will say, “Hey, you do this by yourself!! I don’t have time to fix your blabby thing!!!!” You will see what is bad if you opposite me.    -Alicia

Opposite me is evil and crazy and mean. I would say, “I don’t care” and “No, do it yourself”.     – Sophia

Opposite me would never listen to my mum and never listen to the teachers.  – Avalon

Opposite me wouldn’t talk to my mom and wouldn’t be kind to people and I would be mostly messy.   – Tanu


Opposite me will be mean to my family.  – Alexey

Opposite me will not be nice.   – Darshan

Opposite me will be mean to my sister and hit her.   -Ella

Opposite me will talk too much.   – Jack


On March 10, Guanyu decided we should read the Egrin book again.
We thought about what we would be like if we were wizards.

If I were a wizard, I would be a kind wizard because if I were a bad wizard,
I would go to jail. I would make toys for the kids.   – Emily

If I were a wizard, I would be a good wizard. I wouldn’t be caught by the police
or go to jail.    – Minu

If I were a wizard, I would be a good wizard. First I would build a house for me and then build a house for animals. I’d make food for the animals.
And, if I see a battle is going to begin, I would stop this battle and bring peace and happiness again.     – Alicia

If I were a wizard I would be a bad wizard and put bombs everywhere and see people die and break everything. I would not be here, I would rob a shop.    -Milyn

If I were a wizard, I would be a good one. I would help the animals and feed them. I would feed them water, too.      – Sophia

If I were a wizard, I would be a good wizard and I would make food for animals and make a river for animals to drink from.    – Tanu

If I were a wizard I would be nice to everyone. I’d build houses for everyone.
– Avalon

If I were a wizard I would an evil wizard. I would kill people and use a wand BLABLABLA and some lions would come out. I would kill everyone in the world. I would use a wand and BLABLABLA and some soldiers would come out and I would fight the king.              – Guanyu