Captain Cook

We looked at the picture of the statue of Crook Cook.

Resource here

We talked about the statue and about Captain Cook.
For homework we went home and found out about him.

“Who was Captain Cook?”

‘I don’t know and kill people because he was bad’ – Ha Eum

‘He was a sailor but then he got cooked because he was trying to steal one of the chiefs, so his name is Captain Cook.’ – Maliepō

‘People though Captain Cook was his name because he got cooked.’ – Milyn & Ilienke

‘Captain Cook was a man that made the map of New Zealand and killed 21 people’ – Guanyu Li

‘Captain Cook is a man that shaped NZ. He killed 21 Hawaiian people’ – Robin

‘Captain is who found New Zealand and who drew New Zealand on a map. Also, Captain Cook was a killer. He killed 21 Hawaiians and 5 British’ – Emily

‘Captain Cook was the person who travelled the world. Also, he killed 21 Hawaiians. Captain Cook was also the first British guy to find New Zealand.’ – Lejun

‘Captain Cook was a sailor and an explorer. He discovered New Zealand and Australia. He began sailing when he was 18 years old. He joined the Royal Navy in June 1755. Soon Captain Cook became one of the best navigators and map makers in Britain and was asked to explore new parts of the ocean to find land for Britain to take.’ – Sebastian

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